
Formed in 2011 by a group of advanced percussionists, Bloco Maximo is a Chicago based percussion group that brings the awesome sound of Brazilian batucada from the Pelourinho and the Sambodromo – combining the traditional sounds of timbal, repique, surdo, caixa & tamborim in a funky, energetic dose of wall-to-wall rhythm.  Bloco Maximo performs across the city, bringing energetic beats to your next celebration!





“I’m from Bahia, and I was just the right age to see Olodum and Timbalada, up close and personal, before they shot to world fame. So if I say that Bloco Maximo rocks, then it rocks”.
  of Chicagoano

“Half-an-hour or so of some of the most earth-shattering drumming I’ve ever heard in this town.”

“I’ve had the privilege of watching and capturing some amazing performances by Bloco Maximo over the past few years. I have to say it’s difficult to keep the camera still as their energy takes over the room and you can’t help but to start dancing!”  – Photos by Heather Marie Chicago